Go pour yourself a cup of ambition

Inspiring, challenging and nurturing ambitious people to reach the very top

We founded bloom five years ago, with a vision to create a vibrant community, that fosters growth, learning, and connections.

Eighteen months into our journey, in April 2021, we also launched our mentorship programme. It's been an incredible journey, connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill levels all over the world, spanning from IC to Leadership roles.

Victoria Puscas Engineering Manager “I am really grateful for the opportunity to connect to fellow Leaders and Engineers in the bloom community, to learn and get inspiration from them.”
James Carter SVP Engineering “Having seen Sam & Alex's work in the Tech Community over the past few years, I was excited to see that bloom were creating their own mentorship program. It's amazing to see the diversity in the group !”
Shrutika Sainani Product Manager “Bloom introduced me to their community that they have carefully curated. Through this program, bloom connected me with my mentor - a PM leader from industry who was in a role I aspired for.”
Lopè Ariyo Software Engineer “As a result of this mentoring experience, I’ve developed a newfound sense of confidence and optimism. Bloom is perfect for anyone seeking a transformative and uplifting mentorship experience.”
Amanda Pun Founder-in-Residence at Entrepreneur First “Bloom offers a curated community of high-calibre individuals you can have inspiring and helpful conversations with. I would highly recommend Bloom's community to others in Product!”
Ava Homayounpour Product Manager “Sam checks in on your progress and goes above and beyond to introduce you to his strong network where he can to continue your growth beyond the mentorship programme, it's evident that Sam and Bloom are one of a kind”
Christian Wong VP Engineering “Not only have Sam and Alex been gracious people to spend time with, they are building a fantastic network of lively and diverse folks within product and engineering. I recommend reaching out to either of them.”
Alastair Hardie Senior Product Manager “Sam and Alex have created a one of a kind community that I’ve recommended to more people than I can shake a stick at. Needless to say I bloomin’ love it!”
Josh Sandhu Product Manager “Sam stands out from the rest as his heart is in the right place. Sam deeply cares about the people he supports through the bloom mentor programme.”
David Conde Marin Senior Engineering Manager “bloom have been doing amazing work creating a mentoring programme in bloom mentor - A community built to offer a network of support for new and established individuals in the Product & Engineering world”
Jan Klug Product Director “Bloom has paired me with product leaders so vastly experienced that they don't just coach reactively, but can point out what you don't know you don't know. Sam and the team really took care to craft the pairings.”
Mariia Deshina iOS Engineer “Bloom is an incredible place filled with inspiring individuals who are happy to help with your career path and share their work and life experience. A heartfelt thank you to the creators of this community!”
Julia Godinho Senior Product Manager “Bloom have created an incredible community of Product people who are not only passionate about their craft, but also raising the bar in the industry. Bloom will go above and beyond to help you!”
Melissa Parnaby Associate Product Manager “He was so personable, down to earth, and genuine. I really cannot speak highly enough about Sam, this mentorship programme, and my 5 woman mentors.”
James Hatchman Chief Product Officer “Bloom have done an amazing job at using this network to create a mentoring network that continues to help and grow so many members of his community!”
Mariam El Beshlawi Group Product Manager “bloom have been an invaluable ally to me, extending the guidance, expanding my professional network, and offering valuable career advice ... I've had the privilege of meeting an incredible group of women in product!”
Etienne Martin VP Product “Bloom invited me to join their mentorship programme as a mentor, so that I can support up and coming product leaders which is a great opportunity to continue to give back to the industry, thanks for your help!”
Support from a mentor

Looking for a helping hand?

Become a mentor

Looking to mentor ambitious people?

Tulsi Patel Lead Product Manager Massive foodie, skincare obsessed, weekend-boogie lover!
Sofya Gething Product Manager I like to dance all day, lover of a red-cardigan & world-cinema buff

"A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of us and tells us how they did it. A mentor is someone who walks alongside us to guide us on what we can do".

We all bloom at different times.

Stay on your path & grow with the flow

Andrew Steele OLY Founder and CEO at Stride Olympic Medalist in Beijing, 2* Founder and ex-CPO of Prenetics (IPO)
Evelina Wahlström Software Engineer Scientist turned Engineer, curious by nature & always on the run (literally)

Live life in full bloom

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